Paraguay just voted Mario Abdo Benitez (above, right) in as its new President, and although he and the other main candidate — with 89 percent of the votes — had different platforms, they agreed on one topic: children and youth. They both showed that commitment by signing 20 Commitments for Childhood and Adolescence.
This action plan was conceived by the Front for Childhood and Adolescence, a coalition of 20 international and national non-governmental organizations and networks working together to support children and youth in Paraguay. Christian Children’s Fund of Canada (CCFC) and Plan International lead the Front, which UNICEF supports.
If fulfilled, these commitments will significantly improve children’s lives. They address issues of health, nutrition, education, water and sanitation, child protection and participation. They also prioritize girls, early childhood, children with disabilities, indigenous children and youth, children who work, children in the streets and child offenders. (See the full list here.)
In creating these commitments, The Front encouraged the participation of children and youth through the country’s CCFC-supported National Network of Childhood and Adolescence. In fact, more than 50 children and youth, leaders of the Network, handed these recommendations to improve their lives to the two main Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates.