Quality education is a basic human right, but UNESCO reports 258-million children and youth are still out of school. The following NowThis Kids video, examines this, focusing on the world’s educational gap and how we can close it.
“When education systems are equal, every kid is equipped with the tools they need to succeed,” notes Alejandro Alba, NowThis contributor, in the video below. “There’s a lot that kids and parents can do to help. Donate books to your local library, reach out to the leaders in your community or do whatever you do best to support schools and students in need.”
One of the UN’s sustainable development goals is to provide quality education for all by 2030. Yet, the pandemic led to school closings, affecting 91 percent of students worldwide. Add to this that nearly 369-million children rely on school meals as their source of daily nutrition. Now more than ever, children need equitable and quality education.
At Children Believe, we help children and youth around the world overcome barriers and access quality education. In 2019/2020, 466,000 children, teachers, parents and guardians in our programs benefited from greater access to inclusive, quality education.
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